3 Most Used Verb Tenses [Portuguese Test]

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Test your Portuguese

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Do you know how to conjugate verbs in the present, past and future in Portuguese?

To help you with verb conjugation, I’ve created a series of lessons about the main tenses we use.

In each lesson, we’re going to have a test, and I’m going to explain each answer.

This is the fourth lesson of this series. Today’s test will be on regular verbs in the three main tenses: present, past and future. This test is recommended for upper-beginner level students.

Before taking the test, I recommend studying and reviewing the conjugation of regular verbs in the present, past and future.

Are you ready for the test? Let’s go!

Complete the sentences below in the present, past or future. Try to identify the correct tense by the context. Then check your answers at the end of the exercise.

1. Eu (acordar) __________ cedo todos os dias.

2. Eu (estudar) __________ português ontem.

3. Amanhã, eu (jantar) __________ com meus amigos.

4. Eu (beber) __________ água com limão todas as manhãs.

5. Semana passada, eu (comer) __________ comida mexicana.

6. No próximo ano, (vender) __________ meu carro.

7. Eu (assistir) __________ a uma série na Netflix quase todas as noites.

8. No ano passado, eu (decidir) __________ aprender uma nova língua.

9. Amanhã de manhã, (corrigir) __________ o dever de casa dos meus alunos.

10. Eu (ligar) __________ para minha mãe uma vez por semana.

11. Eu (encontrar) __________ meus amigos anteontem.

12. Eu (viajar) __________ para o Brasil ano que vem.

Check your answers:

1. Eu acordo cedo todos os dias. (I wake up early every day).

2. Eu estudei português ontem. (I studied Portuguese yesterday).

3. Amanhã, eu vou jantar com meus amigos. (Tomorrow, I’ll have dinner with my friends).

4. Eu bebo água com limão todas as manhãs. (I drink lemon water every morning).

5. Semana passada, eu comi comida mexicana. (Last week, I ate Mexican food).

6. No próximo ano, vou vender meu carro. (Next year, I’m going to sell my car).

7. Eu assisto a uma série na Netflix quase todas as noites. (I watch a series on Netflix almost every night).

8. No ano passado, eu decidi aprender uma nova língua. (Last year, I decided to learn a new language).

9. Amanhã de manhã, vou corrigir o dever de casa dos meus alunos. (Tomorrow morning, I’m going to correct my students’ homework).

10. Eu ligo para minha mãe uma vez por semana. (I call my mother once a week).

11. Eu encontrei meus amigos anteontem. (I met my friends the day before yesterday).

12. Eu vou viajar para o Brasil ano que vem. (I’m going to travel to Brazil next year).

Now, let’s review each exercise:

1. Eu acordo cedo todos os dias.

The phrase “todos os dias” (every day) suggests that I am talking about my daily routine or habit. In this context, I must use the present tense.

2. Eu estudei português ontem.

The word “ontem” (yesterday) indicates that the action took place in the past. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the past perfect tense.

3. Amanhã, eu vou jantar com meus amigos.

The word “amanhã” (tomorrow) indicates that the action will take place in the future. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the future tense.

4. Eu bebo água com limão todas as manhãs.

The phrase “todas as manhãs” (every morning) indicates that I’m talking about my daily routine or habit. In this context, I must use the present tense.

5. Semana passada, eu comi comida mexicana.

The phrase “semana passada” (last week) indicates that the action took place in the past. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the past perfect tense.

6. No próximo ano, vou vender meu carro.

The phrase “próximo ano” (next year) indicates that the action will take place in the future. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the future tense.

7. Eu assisto a uma série na Netflix quase todas as noites.

The phrase “todas as noites” (every night) indicates that I am talking about my daily routine or habit. Therefore, I must use the present tense.

8. No ano passado, eu decidi aprender uma nova língua.

The phrase “ano passado” (last year) indicates that the action took place in the past. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the past perfect tense.

9. Amanhã de manhã, vou corrigir o dever de casa dos meus alunos.

The phrase “amanhã de manhã” (tomorrow morning) indicates that the action will take place in the future. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the future tense.

10. Eu ligo para minha mãe uma vez por semana.

The phrase “uma vez por semana” (once a week) indicates that I am talking about a habit. Therefore, I must use the present tense.

11. Eu encontrei meus amigos anteontem.

The phrase “anteontem” (the day before yesterday) indicates that the action took place in the past. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the past perfect tense.

12. Eu vou viajar para o Brasil ano que vem.

The phrase “ano que vem” (next year) indicates that the action will take place in the future. Therefore, I must conjugate the verb in the future.

That’s it, everybody! This was a quick review of the conjugation of regular verbs in the 3 main tenses.

I would like to know how you did on the test. How many questions did you get right? Write a comment below with your score.

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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