Can you use these words? | Aqui, Cá, Aí, Ali or Lá?

by | Feb 24, 2022 | Brazilian Portuguese Basic Course, Vocabulary & Expressions

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In this lesson, you will learn how to use the words AQUI (here), CÁ (here), AÍ (there), ALI (there) and LÁ (there).

he words AQUI re), CÁ (here), AÍ (there), ALI (there) and LÁ (there) are adverbs of place. The words AQUI and CÁ (here) are used to indicate something that is close to you, and the words AÍ, ALI and LÁ (there) are used to indicate something that is far from you.

When to use the words AQUI and CÁ?


AQUI means in this place, that is, the place where you are at the moment of speech. For example:

Você vem sempre aqui? (Do you come here often?)

Estou aqui há 10 dias. (I’ve been here for 10 days.)

We also use the word AQUI to refer to something we are showing.

For example:

Aqui está o livro que você pediu. (Here’s the book you asked for.)

Aqui estão suas chaves. (Here are your keys.)

CÁ is synonymous with AQUI, but it is a less common word. The word CÁ is used much more in Portugal than in Brazil, but we do use this word in some situations.

In Brazil, the word CÁ is usually used to indicate a movement from a distant place to a place close to you.

For example:

Vem ! (Come here!)

Ela está vindo para . (She’s coming here.)

When to use AÍ, ALI or LÁ?

The word AÍ is used to indicate a place far from you and close to the person you are talking to.

For example:

Em breve estarei aí. (I’ll be there soon.)

A Maria está com você? (Is Maria there with you?)


The word ALI is used to refer to something that is far, but not much. You can use this word to point out something you’re seeing that’s a little far away from you and the person you’re talking to.

For example:

– Onde está meu celular? (- Where is my cell phone?)

Está ali, em cima da mesa. (- It ‘s right there, on the table.)

We also use the word ALI to refer to a place not too far away.

For example:

Eu vou ali e já volto. (I’m going there and will be right back.)

A padaria fica ali na esquina. (The bakery is right there around the corner.)

LÁ is a place far away from you and the person you are talking to. This word is comprehensive and can indicate a small or large distance. In some situations, you could use both the word ALI and the word LA.

For example:

– Onde está meu livro? (- Where is my book?)

– Está na estante. (- It’s over there on the shelf.)

– Está ali na estante. (- It’s over there on the shelf.)

To indicate something that is very far away, we must use the word LÁ.

For example:

– Carol viajou ao Brasil ontem e chegou muito cansada. (- Carol traveled to Brazil yesterday and arrived there very tired.)

– Você já foi ? (- Have you been there?)

So, to summarize:

The words AQUI and CÁ are synonymous and mean in this place, but the word AQUI is much more used in Brazil. If you don’t know which word to use, I recommend using the word AQUI, but remember that after the preposition PARA, we usually use the word CÁ.

Use the word AÍ to indicate something that is far from you and close to the person you are talking to.

Use the word ALI to indicate something that is not too far and the word LÁ to indicate something that is far away. If you’re not sure whether to say ALI or LÁ, I recommend using the word LÁ, which is more comprehensive.

Now it’s homework time! Leave a comment below using one of the words you learned in this lesson.

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


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