Can you use these words? | Homonyms in Portuguese

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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Did you know that many words in Portuguese have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings?

In this lesson, we are going to study perfect homonyms, which are identical words with the same pronunciation and spelling but different meanings.


1. CASA (house, verb to marry)

  • Eu estou em casa. (I’m at home)
  • Maria se casa com João neste sábado. (Maria marries João this Saturday)

2. CAMINHO (path, route, verb to walk)

  • Ana sempre faz o mesmo caminho para o trabalho. (Ana always takes the same route to work.)
  • Eu caminho no parque todos os dias. (I walk in the park every day.)

3. LEVE (light, verb to carry/to bring)

  • A mala está leve. (The suitcase is light.)
  • Você quer que eu leve algo para a festa? (Do you want me to bring something to the party?)

4. RIO (river, verb to laugh)

  • O Rio Amazonas é um dos maiores do mundo. (The Amazon River is one of the largest in the world.)
  • Eu sempre rio das piadas do meu marido. (I always laugh at my husband’s jokes.)

5. VERÃO (summer, verb to see)

  • O verão está chegando. (The summer is coming.)
  • Vocês verão as notícias no jornal. (You will see the news in the newspaper.)

6. SÃO (safe, healthy, verb to be)

  • Quem são eles? (Who are they?)
  • Pedrinho está são e salvo em casa. (Pedrinho is safe and sound at home.)

7. NADA (nothing, verb to swim)

  • Ela não entendeu nada. (She understood nothing.)
  • Carlos nada todos os dias. (Carlos swims every day.)

8. CEDO (early, verb to give up)

  • Joana não gosta de acordar cedo. (Joana doesn’t like to wake up early.)
  • Eu sempre cedo meu lugar para pessoas idosas. (I always give up my seat to elderly people.)

9. MORRO (hill, favela, verb to die)

  • Aninha mora no morro. (Annie lives in the favela.)
  • Eu morro de medo de cobra. (I’m terrified of snakes.)

10. MANGA (sleeve, mango, verb to mock)

  • Manga é minha fruta favorita. (Mango is my favorite fruit.)
  • Pedrinho sempre manga da Aninha. (Pedrinho is always mocking Aninha.)

That’s it, everybody!

Now it’s homework time! Leave a comment below using one of the words you learned in this lesson!

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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