In this lesson, you will learn how Brazilians use the expressions “pois não” and “pois é.”
Intermediate & Advanced Portuguese
SABER vs CONHECER – Can you pass this TEST?
The verbs saber and conhecer are translated into English as “to know.” For this reason, many students confuse them. This test will help you to understand which verb to use in each situation.
Meet My Virtual Clone! Practice Portuguese 24/7 with “Me”
Meet My Virtual Clone! Practice Portuguese 24/7 with “Me”. Starting today, you can practice Portuguese with my AI Virtual Clone every day, any time, and for as long as you want.
Tsc, tsc… What does it mean in Brazil?
Tsc, tsc… What does it mean in Brazil?
Don’t say POR! Avoid this common mistake.
In this post, you will learn how to say how long you have been doing something in Portuguese.
How to use the words Tão, Tanto, Quão and Quanto Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Today you will learn to use the words TÃO, TANTO, QUÃO, and QUANTO. Depending on the context, we use these terms to...
10 grammatical terms in Portuguese that you need to know Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Classes Gramaticais (Parts of speech) All words in a language belong to a part of speech, that is, a group of words...
DATES & YEARS in Brazilian Portuguese Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. In this lesson, you will learn how to say dates, months, and years in Portuguese. If you need help learning...
Advanced Portuguese: How to use the word CUJO? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the word CUJO in Portuguese? It's time to learn! Before we start, you need to know that...
WEIRD BRAZILIAN CUSTOMS! Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Today we are going to talk about some Brazilian customs that are considered a bit weird for someone from another...