Test your Portuguese

Can you pass this test? – Brazilian Idioms

Can you pass this test? – Brazilian Idioms

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3ZECehI3qA Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Today, we are going to have a test to see if you know the meaning of some fun Brazilian expressions. I'm going to...

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Present Subjunctive Tense [Portuguese Test]

Present Subjunctive Tense [Portuguese Test]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHzCHxG-8Uc Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to conjugate verbs in the present subjunctive tense in Portuguese? To help you with verb...

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3 Most Used Verb Tenses [Portuguese Test]

3 Most Used Verb Tenses [Portuguese Test]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPDYfdNkvc8 Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to conjugate verbs in the present, past and future in Portuguese? To help you with verb...

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