Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the word SE? This little word is complicated because it’s used in many different contexts...
Vocabulary & Expressions
HAVER Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the verb HAVER? And what is the difference between the verbs TER (to have) and HAVER? And...
MAL or MAU? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know what is the difference between the words MAL (with L) and MAU (with U)? MAL (badly) is an adverb,...
TUDO BEM or TUDO BOM? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the words BEM (well) and BOM (good)? The word BEM is an adverb, that is, it modifies a...
ONDE or AONDE? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the words ONDE and AONDE? Many Brazilians use these words as if they were synonymous, but...
Brazilian Portuguese vs European Portuguese – Pronunciation Differences Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. In this lesson, you’ll learn what are the pronunciation differences between Portuguese spoken in Brazil and...
DIZER, FALAR ou CONTAR? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know what is the difference between the verbs FALAR (talk/speak), DIZER (say/tell) AND CONTAR (tell)? The...
TODO ou CADA? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the words TODO (every/all) and CADA (each)? In general, the word TODO is used to...
MEIO or MEIA? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know how to use the words MEIO and MEIA? The use of these words is a bit complicated because they can have...
MAS or MAIS? Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos. Do you know what is the difference between the words MAS (but) and MAIS (more)? The words MAS (but) and MAIS...