Coffee Vocabulary used in Brazil

by | Apr 13, 2021 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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This lesson was sponsored by Casa Brasil Coffees.

Did you know that Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world? In this lesson, you’ll learn why coffee is so important in Brazil and also the most common coffee vocabulary used in Brazil.

Historical Context

Coffee production in Brazil started in the middle of the 18th century and coffee became the main export product in Brazil during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Coffee production contributed strongly to the growth and economic development of Brazil during this period, and even today, coffee is still one of the main products produced in Brazil.

For this reason, coffee is always very present on the table of Brazilians, from north to south of the country.

Coffee Vocabulary used in Brazil

1. Cafezinho (small coffee)

If you are going to have coffee at someone’s house, usually, people will offer you a “cafezinho” (small coffee).

Usually, “cafezinho” is brewed coffee, but depending on the family or region, a “cafezinho” can be an espresso or any other type of coffee.

2. Café curto / café expresso (short coffee or espresso)

Short coffee or espresso is a small, black coffee, usually strong, and served in a small cup.

3. Café com leite (coffee with milk)

Coffee with milk is usually prepared half and half, half coffee and half milk, and is served in a medium-sized cup.

4. Média (espresso with milk, latte)

“Média”, or “media” with milk, is a coffee with milk made with espresso, milk and milk foam, also served in a medium-sized cup. This nomenclature is mostly used in bakeries in São Paulo.

5. Pingado (Milk with a bit of coffee)

Pingado is a very common drink in Brazilian bakeries, bars and taverns. Pingado is usually served in a small glass cup, which we call the American cup in Brazil. It’s made with a lot of milk and a little bit of coffee.

6. Café carioca / café americano

Carioca coffee or American coffee is an espresso made with more water, to make it a little more diluted and less strong.

7. Expresso duplo (double espresso)

Double espresso is what the name says, two servings of espresso in one cup.

This lesson was sponsored by Casa Brasil Coffees.

Casa Brasil Coffees is an American company that imports high quality Brazilian coffee to the United States. If you want to know more about Casa Brasil Coffees, click here.

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about Brazilian coffee.

I would like to know what you liked the most in this lesson. Have you ever tried Brazilian coffee? Do you like coffee? What is your favorite type of coffee? Leave a comment below with your answer.

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