Verb Conjugation Crash Course
Learn everything you need to know about verb conjugations in Portuguese in a single course.

If you find it difficult to conjugate verbs in Portuguese, you are not alone.
Mastering verb conjugation is one of the biggest challenges for most Portuguese learners. That’s why we created this course.
In the Verb Conjugation Crash Course, you will learn all the verb tenses used in Brazilian Portuguese in a structured and easy-to-understand way.
Please note that the purpose of this course is to help you learn verb conjugation only. To learn Brazilian Portuguese thoroughly, including all aspects of the language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), we recommend our core courses.
See the other courses we offer HERE.
- Comprehensive study materials
The course consists of 7 modules, including video lessons, downloadable PDFs, and exercises. All our materials are bilingual: Portuguese-English.
- Lifetime access to the course
You’ll have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like.
Course Curriculum
MÓDULO 1: Modo Indicativo – Tempos Simples 1
- Presente Simples – Simple Present
- Pretérito Perfeito – Simple Past
- Pretérito Imperfeito – Past Imperfect
MÓDULO 2: Modo Indicativo - Tempos Simples 2
- Futuro do Presente – Simple Future
- Futuro do Pretérito – Conditional
- Gerúndio – Gerund (ING form)
MÓDULO 3: Modo Subjuntivo – Tempos Simples
- Presente – Present Subjunctive
- Pretérito Imperfeito – Imperfect Subjunctive
- Futuro – Future Subjunctive
MÓDULO 4: Modo Indicativo – Tempos Compostos
- Particípio Passado – Past Participle
- Pretérito Perfeito Composto –Compound Past
- Pretérito Mais-que-perfeito Composto – Compound More-than-perfect
- Futuro do Presente Composto – Compound Future
- Futuro do Pretérito Composto – Compound Conditional
MÓDULO 5: Modo Subjuntivo – Tempos Compostos
- Pretérito Perfeito Composto do Subjuntivo – Compound Past Subjunctive
- Pretérito Mais-que-perfeito Composto do Subjuntivo – Compound more-than-perfect Subjunctive
- Futuro Composto do Subjuntivo – Compound Future Subjunctive
MÓDULO 6: Modo Imperativo
- Imperativo Afirmativo – Affirmative Imperative
- Imperativo Negativo – Negative Imperative
MÓDULO 7: Infinitivo
- Infinitivo Impessoal – Impersonal Infinitive
- Infinitivo Impessoal Composto – Compound Impersonal Infinitive
- Infinitivo Pessoal – Personal Infinitive
- Infinitivo Pessoal Composto – Compound Personal Infinitive

Oi, pessoal!
I’m Virginia, your Brazilian Portuguese teacher.
I created this school to help Portuguese learners around the world achieve their dream of becoming fluent in Brazilian Portuguese.
I’ve always been passionate about languages. Other than Portuguese (my native language), I also speak English, French, and Spanish. My own experience with foreign language learning has given me the vital tools to help my students in their learning journey.
I look forward to having you as my student on this course!

FAQ – Things you need to know
Who should take the Verb Conjugation Crash Course?
This course is recommended for everyone who wants to learn more about verb conjugations in Portuguese, and it is suitable for learners at all levels.
The minimum enrollment age is 18 years old.
How does the course work?
This course is fully self-paced, so you can take as long as you like to complete it. The course consists of seven modules, including around 10 hours of video lessons, quizzes, and downloadable worksheets.
When does the course start and finish?
This is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
How much does it cost?
The Verb Conjugation Crash Course costs US $97 + taxes.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with the course, contact us in the first 30 days (from the day of purchase), and we will give you a full refund.

It’s 100% risk-free to try out this course.
Feel free to try it for 30 days to see if it works for you.
If you’re not happy with this course for any reason, just let us know within 30 days from the date of registration, and you’ll get all your money back.

It’s 100% risk-free to try out this course.
Feel free to try it for 30 days to see if it works for you.
If you’re not happy with this course for any reason, just let us know within 30 days from the date of registration, and you’ll get all your money back.