Don’t make these mistakes! | False Friends Portuguese/English

by | Jun 7, 2022 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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Do you know how to say “to pretend” in Portuguese? Would it be “pretender“?

No, these words are considered false friends, which are similar words with different meanings.

Last week, we studied ten false cognates in Portuguese and English. Click here to see last week’s lesson.

Today, we are going to study ten more words.

1– FÁBRICA in Portuguese and FABRIC in English:

“Fábrica” is an industrial establishment where products are manufactured. For example:

  • Tem muitas fábricas no estado de São Paulo. (There are many factories in the state of São Paulo.)

The word “fabric,” in Portuguese, would be “tecido.” For example:

  • O João trabalha em uma fábrica de tecidos. (João works in a fabric factory.)

2– IDIOMA in Portuguese and IDIOM in English:

“Idioma” is the language spoken in a nation. The words “idioma” and “língua” are synonymous in this context. For example:

  • O idioma falado no Brasil é o português. (The language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese.)
  • A língua falada no Brasil é o português. (The language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese.)

The word “idiom” could be translated into Portuguese as “expressão idiomática.”

Por exemplo:

  • Todos os idiomas têm expressões idiomáticas. (All languages have idioms.)

3– LANCHE in Portuguese and LUNCH in English:

“Lanche” is a small, quick meal, usually between lunch and dinner. For example:

  • As crianças levam um lanche ao colégio. (Children bring a snack to school.)

The word “lunch,” in Portuguese, would be “almoço.” For example:

  • Eu faço um lanche entre o almoço e o jantar. (I have a snack between lunch and dinner).

4– LEGENDA in Portuguese and LEGEND in English:

“Legenda” is the caption displayed at the bottom of a video. For example:

  • Todos os meus vídeos têm legendas em português e inglês. (All my videos have subtitles in Portuguese and English.)

“Legend,” in Portuguese, would be “lenda.” For example:

  • Tem muitas lendas interessantes no folclore brasileiro. (There are many interesting legends in Brazilian folklore.)

5– LIVRARIA in Portuguese and LIBRARY in English:

“Livraria” is a store where books are sold. For example:

  • Minha livraria brasileira favorita é a Livraria Cultura. (My favorite Brazilian bookstore is Livraria Cultura.)

“Library,” in Portuguese, would be a “biblioteca.” For example:

  • Quando eu estava na faculdade, eu passava horas na biblioteca. (When I was in college, I spent hours in the library.)

6– NOTÍCIA in Portuguese and NOTICE in English:

“Notícia” is new information, a novelty, or a journalistic account of current events.

For example:

  • Acabei de ver esta notícia no jornal. (I just saw this news in the newspaper.)
  • Eu tenho boas notícias! (I have good news!)

“To notice,” in Portuguese, would be the verb “perceber.” For example:

  • Você percebeu que ele chegou atrasado? (Did you notice he was late?)

7– PARENTES in Portuguese and PARENTS in English:

“Parentes” are people who belong to the same family, but not necessarily your parents. For example:

  • Meus tios, tias, primas e primos são meus parentes. (My uncles, aunts, and cousins are my relatives.)

The word “parents,” in Portuguese, would be “pais.” For example:

  • Meus pais são brasileiros. (My parents are Brazilian.)

8– PRETENDER in Portuguese and PRETEND in English:

“Pretender” means intending to do something. For example:

  • Eu pretendo viajar ao Brasil no final do ano. (I intend to travel to Brazil at the end of the year.)

The verb “to pretend,” in Portuguese, would be “fingir.” For example:

  • Eles fingiram que não estavam ouvindo. (They pretended they weren’t listening.)

9– PUXAR in Portuguese and PUSH in English:

“Puxar” means to get something and bring it towards you. For example:

  • O bebê puxou o cabelo da sua mãe. (The baby pulled his mother’s hair.)

“To push,” in Portuguese, would be “empurrar,” which means the exact opposite of “pull.” This is very confusing when we’re trying to open doors, guys! For example:

  • Nunca sei se devo empurrar ou puxar a porta para entrar. (I never know whether to push or pull the door to get in.)

10– SUPORTAR in Portuguese and SUPPORT in English:

“Suportar” means being patient and having the ability to deal with situations or problems. For example:

  • Mariana não suportou a pressão e pediu demissão. (Mariana could not bear the pressure and resigned.)
  • Eu não suporto pessoas mentirosas. (I can’t stand liars.)

The word “support” could be translated into Portuguese as “apoiar” (verb) or “apoio” (noun). For example:

  • Obrigada pelo seu apoio! (Thanks for your support!)

That’s it, everybody!

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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