Don’t say “sim” in Brazil!

by | May 30, 2024 | Test your Portuguese

Olá, queridos alunos!

Did you know that Brazilians rarely respond to questions with the word “sim” (yes)?

Don’t worry. It’s not wrong to respond to questions with the word “sim,” but it’s uncommon in Brazil.

In most cases, it sounds much more natural to respond to questions using simply the verb that was used in the question, in the same verb tense as the question.

For example:

– Você fala português? (Do you speak Portuguese?)

– Falo. (I speak it.)

– Você gosta de viajar? (Do you like traveling?)

– Gosto. (I like it.)

– Você ligou para sua mãe hoje? (Did you call your mom today?)

– Liguei. (I called her.)

I’ve prepared a PDF with exercises so you can practice what you’ve learned in this lesson.

Fill out the form below to download your worksheet.

    How to answer questions without using the word “sim”?

    I know it’s not easy to respond to questions with the verb because you have to stop to think about what the right conjugation is. If you are a beginner student, I recommend that you don’t worry about this and just use the word “sim” or “não.” It’s not a big deal. But if you are already a more advanced student and you want to speak more like a Brazilian, I recommend that you avoid responding to questions by simply saying “sim.”

    To help you all with this, let’s do an exercise. I will ask a question, and you must respond in an affirmative way using only the verb. You can check your answers at the end.

    To respond to the questions, pay attention to the verb and verb tense used in the question. In this exercise, we’re going to practice the present and past tense always in the first-person singular “I.” There are 20 questions total.

    Watch the video at the top of this page to do the conjugation drill with me. If you prefer to do it here, continue reading.

    Are you ready for the exercise? Ok, let’s get to it!

    1. Você tomou café da manhã hoje? (Have you had breakfast today?)
    2. Você faz exercícios regularmente? (Do you exercise regularly?)
    3. Você bebeu água suficiente hoje? (Did you drink enough water today?)
    4. Você verificou seus e-mails esta manhã? (Did you check your emails this morning?)
    5. Você lê todos os dias? (Do you read every day?)
    6. Você fez compras de supermercado esta semana? (Did you get groceries at the supermarket this week?)
    7. Você cozinha regularmente? (Do you cook regularly?)
    8. Você usa transporte público para ir ao trabalho? (Do you use public transportation to get to work?)
    9. Você tem um animal de estimação? (Do you have a pet?)
    10. Você viajou no verão passado? (Did you travel last summer?)
    11. Você assiste TV todos os dias? (Do you watch TV every day?)
    12. Você gosta de trabalhar em equipe? (Do you like working on a team?)
    13. Você acorda cedo aos fins de semana? (Do you wake up early on the weekends?)
    14. Você trabalha aos sábados? (Do you work on Saturdays?)
    15. Você trabalhou no sábado passado? (Did you work last Saturday?)
    16. Você tem planos para o fim de semana? (Do you have plans for the weekend?)
    17. Você segue uma dieta específica? (Do you follow a specific diet?)
    18. Você escuta música enquanto trabalha? (Do you listen to music while you work?)
    19. Você visita seus familiares regularmente? (Do you visit your family regularly?)
    20. Você visitou sua mãe no último fim de semana? (Did you visit your mom last weekend?)

    Check your answers:

    1. Você tomou café da manhã hoje? (Have you had breakfast today?)

    Tomei. (I have.)

    • Você faz exercícios regularmente? (Do you exercise regularly?)

    Faço. (I do.)

    • Você bebeu água suficiente hoje? (Did you drink enough water today?)

    Bebi. (I drank enough.)

    • Você verificou seus e-mails esta manhã? (Did you check your emails this morning?)

    Verifiquei. (I checked them.)

    • Você lê todos os dias? (Do you read every day?)

    Leio. (I do read every day.)

    • Você fez compras de supermercado esta semana? (Did you get groceries at the supermarket this week?)

    Fiz. (I did.)

    • Você cozinha regularmente? (Do you cook regularly?)

    Cozinho. (I do cook regularly.)

    • Você usa transporte público para ir ao trabalho? (Do you use public transportation to get to work?)

    Uso. (I do use it.)

    • Você tem um animal de estimação? (Do you have a pet?)

    Tenho. (I do have one.)

    1. Você viajou no verão passado? (Did you travel last summer?)

    Viajei. (I did travel.)

    1. Você assiste TV todos os dias? (Do you watch TV every day?)

    Assisto. (I do watch it.)

    1. Você gosta de trabalhar em equipe? (Do you like working on a team?)

    Gosto. (I like it.)

    1. Você acorda cedo aos fins de semana? (Do you wake up early on the weekends?)

    Acordo. (I do wake up early.)

    1. Você trabalha aos sábados? (Do you work on Saturdays?)

    Trabalho. (I do work on Saturdays.)

    1. Você trabalhou no sábado passado? (Did you work last Saturday?)

    Trabalhei. (I did work last Saturday.)

    1. Você tem planos para o fim de semana? (Do you have plans for the weekend?)

    Tenho. (I do have plans.)

    1. Você segue uma dieta específica? (Do you follow a specific diet?)

    Sigo. (I do follow a specific diet.)

    1. Você escuta música enquanto trabalha? (Do you listen to music while you work?)

    Escuto. (I do listen to music while I work.)

    1. Você visita seus familiares regularmente? (Do you visit your family regularly?)

    Visito. (I do visit them.)

    • Você visitou sua mãe no último fim de semana? (Did you visit your mom last weekend?)

    Visitei. (I did visit her.)

    Need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

    If you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese, I recommend my course Verb Conjugation Crash Course, in which I teach all the verb tenses used in Brazil, how to use each verb tense, and which verbs are used the most in the Portuguese language. Click here to find out more.

    Free PDF with exercises!

    To really grasp what we studied today, you need to keep practicing. That’s why I’ve prepared a PDF with extra exercises. Fill out the form below to download your worksheet.

      Até a próxima!

      Virginia & Speaking Brazilian Team

      Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


      Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

      I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

      The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


      Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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