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In this lesson, you’ll learn a little about the differences between the formal and informal language spoken in Brazil.

To talk about this topic, I invited teacher Venus Santos who is part of the Speaking Brazilian School team.

These are the topics that we discuss in the video:

1. Chegar EM casa ou A casa?

Formal: Acabei de chegar A casa. (I just got home.)

Informal: Acabei de chegar EM casa. (I just got home.)

In this context, the verb “chegar” (arrive) must be used with the preposition A afterward and not with the preposition EM.

2. Chegar NO trabalho ou AO trabalho?

Formal: Que horas você chegou AO trabalho? (What time did you get to work?)

Informal: Que horas você chegou NO trabalho? (What time did you get to work?)

The verb “ir” (to go) must be used with the preposition “A”.

3. Ir NO/NA ou ir AO/À?

Formal: João foi AO supermercado, e Maria foi À farmácia. (João went to the supermarket, and Maria went to the pharmacy.)

Informal: João foi NO supermercado, e Maria foi na farmácia. (João went to the supermarket, and Maria went to the pharmacy.)

The verb “ir” (to go) must be used with the preposition “A” , as in the example above.

4. Assistir O filme ou AO filme?

Formal: Você assistiu AO novo filme do Homem-Aranha? (Have you watched the new Spider-Man movie?)

Informal: Você assistiu O novo filme do Homem-Aranha? (Have you watched the new Spider-Man movie?)

The verb “assistir” (to watch), in the sense of seeing, also needs the preposition A.

5. Ajudar ELA ou Ajudá-LA?

Formal: Maria pediu ajuda com a mudança, vou ajudá-LA amanhã. (Maria asked for help with the move. I’ll help her tomorrow.)

Informal: Maria pediu ajuda com a mudança. Vou ajudar ELA amanhã. (Maria asked for help with the move. I’ll help her tomorrow.)

In this sentence, we must use an object pronoun “-LA” instead of the personal pronoun “ela” (she).

6. ME liga ou Ligue-ME?

Formal: Ligue-ME quando você chegar. (Call me when you arrive.)

Informal: ME liga quando você chegar. (Call me when you arrive.)

We shouldn’t start sentences with object pronouns, but it is very common in colloquial language in Brazil.

7. Vir ou Ver?

Formal: Se você a VIR, avise-ME. (If you see her, let me know.)

Informal: Se você VER ela, ME avisa. (If you see her, let me know.)

The correct conjugation of the verb VER in the future subjunctive is “vir” and not “ver”.

8. Que eu FALO ou FALE?

Formal: Você quer que eu FALE com ele? (Do you want me to talk to him?)

Informal: Você quer que eu FALO com ele? (Do you want me to talk to him?)

This kind of sentence requires the use of subjunctive mood.

That’s it, everybody! I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the differences between formal and informal language used in Brazil.

I would love to know your opinion on this subject. What other differences do you know? Leave a comment below with your answer.

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

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The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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