How to say “Happy Holidays” in Portuguese

by | Dec 16, 2021 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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In this lesson, you’ll learn useful words and phrases you can use during the holiday season. If you are going to spend Christmas or New Year’s Eve with Brazilians, this lesson is for you.

I have prepared a PDF list with the vocabulary that you will learn in this lesson. Type your email bellow to receive it for free!

Most used Holiday Greetings

  • Boas Festas! (Happy Holidays!)
  • Feliz Natal! (Merry Christmas!)
  • Feliz Hanukkah! (Happy Hanukkah!)
  • Feliz Ano Novo! (Happy New Year!)
  • Feliz 2022 (dois mil e vinte e dois)! (Happy 2022!)

These are the most used phrases that you can use with everyone, even strangers you meet at the supermarket or in the elevator.

Holiday Greetings to use with your friends and family

  • Eu desejo a você um feliz Natal, repleto de amor e alegria! (I wish you a Merry Christmas, filled with love and joy!)
  • Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo! (Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!)
  • Desejo tudo de bom para você e sua família! (I wish you and your family all the best!)
  • Espero que todos os seus desejos se realizem! (I hope all your wishes come true!)
  • Desejo que você tenha um ano novo maravilhoso! (I hope you have a wonderful new year!)
  • Desejo que seu ano seja repleto de paz, amor e saúde. (I wish your year to be filled with peace, love and health.

More Specific Holiday Greetings

  • Desejo que este ano você faça a viagem dos seus sonhos! (I hope this year you take the trip of your dreams!)
  • Desejo que você tenha muito sucesso em seu novo emprego! (I wish you great success in your new job!)

An important grammar detail: if you use the phrases, “Eu espero que…”(I hope that…) or “Eu desejo que…”(I wish that…), the verb that follows must be in the present subjunctive tense. For example:

  • Eu espero que você tenha um ótimo ano! (I hope you have a great year!)

To practice, I recommend that you get pen and paper and write down sentences wishing your friends and family good things using these examples I gave as a template.

Now it’s homework time! Write a comment below using one of the words or phrases you learned in this lesson.

Type your email bellow to receive your free PDF!

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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