How to talk on the phone in Portuguese – Must-know phrases

by | Jan 4, 2024 | Speaking Practice, Vocabulary & Expressions

Do you feel insecure when you talk on the phone in Portuguese? This lesson will help you overcome this challenge.

I’ve prepared a PDF with a list of vocabulary for this lesson and some exercises for you to practice what you learned in this video.

Fill out the form below to download your PDF.

Now let’s start our lesson.

Talking on the telephone in a foreign language is a big challenge for anyone who is learning a new language.

In today’s lesson, you will learn useful vocabulary to use when talking on the phone in Portuguese. Let’s study some phrases that you can use in formal and informal situations.

1 – Como atender o telefone (How to answer the phone).

Informal language:

Alô! (Hello!)

Oi! (Hi!)

Formal language:

Bom dia! Em que posso ajudar? (Good morning! How can I help you?)

Speaking Brazilian School, aqui é a Virginia. Pois não? (Speaking Brazilian School, Virginia here. How can I help you?

Speaking Brazilian School, aqui é a Virginia. Com quem eu falo? (Speaking Brazilian School, Virginia here. Who am I speaking with?)

2 – Como pedir para falar com alguém ao telefone (How to ask to speak to someone on the phone).

Informal language:

Alô! O João, por favor. (Hello! João, please.)

Oi, poderia falar com o João? (Hi, could I speak to João?)

Alô! Por favor, o João está? (Hello! Please, is João there?)

Formal language:

Bom dia. Eu gostaria de falar com o João, por favor. (Good morning. I’d like to speak to João, please.)

Olá, aqui é a Virginia. Eu poderia falar com o João, por favor? (Hello, Virginia here. Could I speak with João, please?)

Boa tarde, aqui é a Virginia. Você poderia me transferir para o João, por favor? (Good afternoon, Virginia here. Could you transfer me to João, please?)

3 – Como pedir para repetir uma informação ou soletrar uma palavra (How to ask to repeat information or spell a word).

Informal language:

Não entendi… o que você disse? (I didn’t understand that… what did you say?)

Pode repetir mais devagar? (Could you repeat that slower?)

Como se escreve isso? (How do you spell that?)

Formal language:

Desculpe, poderia repetir mais devagar, por favor? (I’m sorry, could you repeat that slower, please?)

A ligação está ruim… pode repetir, por favor? (The call is bad… could you repeat that, please?)

Não consigo entender essa palavra. Poderia soletrar? (I don’t understand that word. Could you spell it?)

4 – Como fazer uma solicitação (How to make a request).

Informal language:

Você pode dar um recado pro João? (Could you give João a message?)

Pede pra ele me ligar mais tarde, por favor? (Ask him to call me later, please?)

Você tem o telefone dele? (Do you have his phone number?)

Formal language:

Você sabe quando ele estará disponível? (Do you know when he will be available?)

A que horas eu posso ligar de novo, por favor? (What time could I call again, please?)

Você poderia pedir para ele me ligar quando possível, por favor? Meu número é 999-5555. (Could you ask him to call me when it’s possible, please? My number is 999-5555.)

5 – Como passar uma ligação a outra pessoa (How to hand a call to another person).

Informal language:

Peraí! Vou ver se ele está aqui. (Hold on! I’ll see if he’s here.)

Peraí que eu vou chamar o João. (Hold on, I’ll call João.)

Só um pouquinho. (Just a second.)

Só um minutinho. (Just a minute.)

Formal language:

Um momento, por favor. (One moment, please.)

Aguarde um instante. (Hold for a moment.)

Só um minutinho. (Just one minute.)

The sentence “Só um minutinho” (just one minute) is very common in formal and informal contexts.

6 – Como se despedir e terminar a ligação (How to say goodbye and end a call).

Informal language:

Tá bem, obrigada. Beijo. Tchau, tchau! (Ok, thank you. Kiss. Bye, bye!)

Até amanhã. Abraço! Tchau. (See you tomorrow. Hugs! Bye.)

Depois a gente se fala. Beijo. Tchau! (We’ll talk later. Kiss. Bye!)

Sending kisses and hugs at the end of informal calls is very common in Brazil.

Formal language:

Posso ajudar com mais alguma coisa? (Can I help you with anything else?)

A senhora precisa de mais alguma informação? (Do you need any more information, miss?)

Não, isso é tudo. Muito obrigada. Tenha um bom dia! (No, that’s all. Thank you very much. Have a nice day!)

Tenha um ótimo dia! (Have a great day!)

4 tips for you to prepare to talk to someone on the phone in Portuguese:

1. Write out everything you want to say and practice it out loud before making the call.

2. Use headphones and turn up the volume so you can hear what the other person is saying well.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask the person to repeat. You can always say, “desculpe, eu não entendi, você pode repetir? (I’m sorry, I didn’t get that, could you repeat it?) or “como se soletra essa palavra?” (how would you spell that word?).

4. Practice how to spell words in Portuguese.

Watch the video for more tips!

And remember to download your PDF so you can practice what you learned in this lesson.

Até a próxima!


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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