If you know these 15 words, your Portuguese is amazing! 

by | Oct 23, 2024 | Intermediate & Advanced Portuguese, Test your Portuguese

This lesson includes a free PDF with a list of 30 words, containing the 15 words in this lesson, and 15 extras, in addition to exercises to help you retain this vocabulary.  Fill out the form below to download your worksheet. 

    Olá, queridos alunos! (Hello, dear students!) 

    In this lesson, you’ll learn 15 words that are used by Brazilians with a high level of education. 

    If you use the words I’m going to teach you in this lesson, your Portuguese will sound more beautiful, and you might even impress your Brazilian friends. 

    I recommend watching the video and taking the test before reading this post! 

    If you know these 15 words, your Portuguese is amazing! 

    1. Exímio  

    We use the word “exímio” to describe a person who is extremely skilled in their determined area. 

    For example: 

    2. Disseminar 

    We use the word “disseminar” to indicate the act of widely spreading or sharing an idea, information, or substance. 

    For example: 

    3. Iminente 

    We use the word “iminente” to talk about something that is about to happen or will happen very soon. 

    For example: 

    4. Inerente 

    We use the word “inerente” to describe something that is part of the essence of a person or thing, an intrinsic or inseparable characteristic. 

    For example: 

    5. Pernicioso 

    We use the word “pernicioso” to describe something harmful, noxious, or damaging. 

    For example: 

    6. Diligente 

    We use the word “diligente” to describe a careful and hardworking person who is dedicated to their tasks. 

    For example: 

    7. Discrepante 

    We use the word “discrepante” to indicate something that is in disagreement or that presents a marked difference. 

    For example: 

    8. Mitigar 

    We use the word “mitigar” to talk about something that alleviates or reduces the seriousness or intensity of a negative situation. 

    For example: 

    9. Prolífico 

    We use the word “prolífico” to describe a highly productive person, such as an artist that produces a lot of art or an author that writes a lot of books. 

    For example: 

    10. Insolente 

    We use the word “insolente” to describe a person that acts disrespectfully or arrogantly. 

    For example: 

    11. Irrefutável 

    We use the word “irrefutável” to talk about something indisputable, that cannot be denied or questioned. 

    For example: 

    12. Obsoleto 

    We use the word “obsoleto” to describe something archaic, antiquated, or outdated. 

    For example: 

    13. Impreterível 

    We use the word “impreterível” to talk about something urgent and mandatory, that cannot be left for later. 

    For example: 

    14. Inefável 

    We use the word “inefável” to talk about something so grand, beautiful, or impressive it cannot be expressed with words. 

    For example: 

    15. Vicissitude 

    We use the word “vicissitude” to talk about unexpected changes or twists and turns that occur in life, many times associated with difficulties. 

    For example: 

    Free PDF! 

    If you don’t practice what you learned today, you will end up forgetting everything!  

    That’s why I prepared a free PDF with exercises to help you practice and retain the vocabulary.  

    The PDF this week includes a list of 30 advanced words, many examples, and exercises that will help you amplify your vocabulary in Portuguese. Fill out the form below to download your worksheet. 

      Online Brazilian Portuguese Courses 

      If you enjoyed this lesson, you’ll love our courses! At Speaking Brazilian School, we offer digital courses, small group classes, and private lessons. Click here to learn more about our Brazilian Portuguese online classes. 

      Até a próxima! 

      Virginia & Speaking Brazilian Team 

      Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


      Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

      I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

      The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


      Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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