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Do you know what is the difference between the words MAS (but) and MAIS (more)?

The words MAS (but) and MAIS (more) have similar pronunciation and spelling but have very different meanings.

Let’s start by talking about the word MAS (but).

The word MAS is used mainly as an adversative conjunction, that is, it is used to convey an idea of ​​opposition or limitation. For example:

– Maria quer ir ao cinema, mas não tem tempo. (Maria wants to go to the movies, but she doesn’t have time.)

– João queria viajar ao Brasil, mas não viajou por causa da pandemia. (João wanted to travel to Brazil, but he didn’t travel because of the pandemic.)

Now let’s talk about the word MAIS (more).

MAIS (MORE) is the opposite of MENOS (LESS).

The word MAIS is used mainly as an adverb of intensity, to convey the idea of ​​greater quantity or intensity, or as an additive conjunction, to convey the idea of ​​addition.

For example:

– João é o aluno mais alto da sala. (João is the tallest student in the class.)

– Gostaria de viajar mais vezes. (I would like to travel more often.)

– Um mais um é igual a dois. (One plus one equals two.)

So, to summarize, if you want to convey an idea of ​​opposition or limitation, use the word MAS.


If you want to convey an idea of ​​intensity or addition, use the word MAIS.

That’s it! Now you know how to use the words MAS and MAIS.

Now it’s homework time. Write a comment using these two words. Write one sentence with the word MAS and one sentence with the word MAIS to practice.

Até a próxima!

Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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