My Favorite Places in São Paulo

by | Feb 10, 2021 | Travel Vlog in Brazil, Vocabulary & Expressions

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I love São Paulo. I lived there for many years before moving to New York and I consider myself from São Paulo at heart.

I’d like to show you some of my favorite places in this amazing city.

Paulista Avenue

Avenida Paulista is one of the most important avenues in São Paulo, considered a major financial and cultural center in the city. On Avenida Paulista, you’ll find a large number of corporate headquarters, banks, consulates, hotels, hospitals, scientific, educational and cultural institutions. It’s also on this avenue that the biggest parties, marches and demonstrations take place in the city of São Paulo.


The São Paulo Art Museum, better known as MASP, is very famous for its architecture. MASP is one of the most important Brazilian cultural institutions. It has one of the most important and comprehensive art collections in South America, including a collection of European, African, Asian and Americas’ art.

This museum is famous for a free area of more than seventy meters supported by just four pillars. Every Sunday, there is an antiques fair in the free area.

Livraria Cultura

Livraria Cultura is favorite Brazilian bookstore. I like this bookstore because they have a wonderful collection of national and imported books in the original language and at affordable prices. In addition, this bookstore offers international shipping. So, if you live outside Brazil and would like to buy Brazilian books, I recommend that you take a look at their website.

Parque Ibirapuera

The Ibirapuera Park is the best known and most visited park in São Paulo. When I lived in São Paulo, I used to go to this park every weekend with my little dog, Wilson.

The park has a lot of nature, many bike paths, trails, and lots of space to exercise outdoors.

The park also has many cultural spaces and museums, such as the Afro Brasil Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, among others.

That’s it, guys. I hope you enjoyed learning a little about the city of São Paulo.

Have you been to São Paulo? Would you like to visit São Paulo?

Leave a comment below with your answer.

Até a próxima!

Virginia Langhammer

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