My trip to Bahrain – VLOG in Brazilian Portuguese

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Travel Vlogs in Portuguese

Join the Speaking Brazilian YouTube Club to have access to the transcript of this video and many other videos.

In this lesson you will learn Portuguese while traveling with me. Today, I’m going to take you on a tour of Bahrain.

I prepared a PDF list with the vocabulary that you will learn in this lesson. Type your email bellow to receive it for free!

Why Bahrain?

You must be wondering: What is Virginia doing in Bahrain?

I was in Bahrain visiting my Brazilian family, who have lived there for many years because of their work. I come to visit them from time to time.

I love exploring new places and getting to know different cultures, so I decided to make a video about Bahrain to show you my favorite places.

About Bahrain

Bahrain is an archipelago composed of 33 islands next to Saudi Arabia and just above Qatar. It’s a very small country. The entire country is smaller than New York City.

Bahrain in Arabic means “two seas”. As the country is an archipelago, the name can refer to the bays to the East and West, to the North and South, or to the saltwater of the sea and the freshwater that is found on land.

  • Dois mares = two seas
  • Arquipélago = archipelago
  • Leste, Oeste, Norte e Sul = East, West, North and South


Amwaj is a group of artificial islands that were built in the early 2000s. Since Bahrain is a very small country, they built these artificial islands to expand the territory. Many expats who work in Bahrain live in this beautiful region.

  • Ilhas = islands
  • Expatriados = expats

Manama Souq

The Manama Souq is a big street market where you can find many traditional shops and cafes. In the past, Bahrain was a port and international market for spices, gold and jewelry, and you can still find many of these products at the Souq.

  • Mercado de rua = street market
  • Especiarias = spices
  • Ouro = gold
  • Joias = jewelry

Pearling Path

Bahrain was a major producer of pearls, and the pearls here are considered to be the finest natural pearls in the world. The Pearling Path is a 3.5km path where you can learn about the history of pearl exploration and trade.

With the discovery of oil, Bahrain’s economy turned to the exploration and trade of oil and natural gas, but pearls are still a great source of pride for them.

  • O caminho das pérolas = The Pearling Path
  • Petróleo = petroleum, oil

Qahwa: Arabic coffee

One of the things I really like to do in Bahrain is going to a local cafe for Arabic coffee, which they call “Qahwa”.

Qahwa means café (coffee), but the way they prepare coffee here is different. They use the same grain, but it’s less roasted, and they add spices like cardamom, saffron and other things.

  • Café = coffee
  • Grão = grain
  • Cardamomo = cardamom
  • Açafrão = saffron

Tâmaras (dates)

Tâmaras (dates) in Bahrain are the best. I usually don’t like dates, but I love Bahraini dates because they are so good.

In some coffee places in Bahraini they serve Arabic coffee with dates and tahini. It tastes great because it balances the sweetness. So, if you come to Bahrain one day, I recommend you try Arabic coffee with dates.

  • Tâmaras = dates
  • Café árabe com tâmaras = Arabic coffee with dates

The Bahrain Fort

The Bahrain Fort was built by the Portuguese in the 16th century in a place that had already been inhabited by other civilizations.

The sunset there is incredible. Since Bahrain is a very desertic place, there is a lot of sand in the air, which makes the sunset magical.

  • Forte/ fortificação = Fort
  • Habitado = inhabited
  • Pôr do sol = sunset
  • Areia = sand

The Modern and the Old

One very interesting thing about Bahrain is the contrast between the modern and the old. While some buildings are very old, others are very modern, even futuristic.

  • Moderno = modern
  • Antigo = Old, ancient
  • Futurístico = futuristic

That’s it, everybody! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Bahrain.

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


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The next Brazilian Portuguese Week is coming!

This is a completely free event that I offer once a year. For one week, I will teach one live class a day.

The event will take place from the 17th to the 23rd of April. Add it to your calendar so you don’t miss it!

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Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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