My trip to Key West – VLOG in Brazilian Portuguese

by | Apr 26, 2022 | Intermediate & Advanced Portuguese, Travel Vlogs in Portuguese

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In this lesson, you will learn Portuguese while traveling with me. Today, I will take you on a tour around Key West, in Florida.

About Key West

Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States and is part of an archipelago called the Florida Keys, located in southern Florida.

From the 16th to the 19th century, this region belonged to Spain and was called Cayo Hueso, which means Island of Bones or Bone Island. Later, Americans started calling this area Key West because it sounded like Cayo Hueso to them.

  • ilha osso/ ilha de ossos – bone island
  • soava (verbo soar) – it sounded (verb to sound)

Southernmost Point

The Southernmost Point is a concrete buoy that marks the southernmost point of the continental United States.

If you look at the map, you will notice that Key West is very close to Cuba. I think, for this reason, there are some excellent Cuban restaurants in this region.

  • boia – buoy
  • pertinho – close/ very close

Hemingway’s House

The famous Hemingway lived in this house in the 1930s. Today, this property has become a museum and is Key West’s most popular tourist attraction.

The house is also famous for its large population of cats, many of which are polydactyl, with six toes. Ernest Hemingway was given a six-toed white cat from the captain of a ship, and some of the cats that live in the museum today are still descendants of this original cat, which was called Snow White.

  • museu – museum
  • descendente – descendant
  • atração turística – tourist attraction

Cuban Cafe

There are many Cuban restaurants and cafes in Key West. I went to a Cuban cafe for an iced coffee and something to eat.

I had an iced coffee with almond milk and a veggie bean burger with plantain chips.

  • café gelado – iced coffee
  • café com leite de amêndoas – coffee with almond milk
  • banana da terra – plantain

Roosters around the city

A funny thing about Key West is that there are many roosters and hens everywhere. Wherever you go, you will see roosters and hens roaming around town.

  • galo – rooster
  • galinha – chicken

Fort Zachary

The Fort Zachary Taylor Beach is a beach inside Fort Zachary Taylor State Park.

In this park, you will find a fortification that was built in the 19th century, but we did not visit the Fort, we just enjoyed the beach.

The water here is very beautiful, and the temperature is wonderful. This sea is a mixture of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

The sea was a little rough, but I decided to get in the water anyway. To get prepared to dive, I used a bathing suit and my snorkeling gear: a diving mask, a snorkel and a fin. I wasn’t able to see much, but the water was still amazing.

  • maiô – swimsuit
  • máscara – mask
  • máscara de mergulho – diving mask
  • nadadeira – fin
  • pé de pato – fliper

That’s it, everybody! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Key West.

Lista de Vocabulário (Vocabulary List)

  1. água de coco – coconut water
  2. soava (verbo soar) – it sounded (verb to sound)
  3. boia – buoy
  4. concreto – concrete
  5. pertinho – close/ very close
  6. museu – museum
  7. atração turística – tourist attraction
  8. descendente – descendant
  9. café gelado – iced coffee
  10. café com leite de amêndoas – coffee with almond milk
  11. banana da terra – plantain
  12. galo – rooster
  13. galinha – chicken
  14. pássaro – bird
  15. observar pássaros – bird watching
  16. pelicano – pelican
  17. gaivotas – seagull
  18. maiô – swimsuit
  19. máscara – mask
  20. máscara de mergulho – diving mask
  21. nadadeira – fin
  22. pé de pato – flíper
  23. mexido – stirred
  24. pedra – stone
  25. machucar – to hurt

Até a próxima!

Your teacher,


Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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