by | Feb 17, 2021 | Travel Vlog in Brazil, Vocabulary & Expressions

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One of the most traditional places to eat in São Paulo is in a PADARIA (bakery).

There are many padarias in São Paulo. You will find a padaria on every corner, and the food in padarias is always good. In every padaria you’ll find a good Brazilian coffee and fresh bread made recently.

In this lesson, you’ll learn some useful vocabulary to use at a Brazilian Bakery.


Of course, the most important, the most important product of the padaria is the bread. In Brazilian bakeries, you’ll always find fresh bread because they make bread several times a day.

The most traditional bread in São Paulo is called PÃO FRANCÊS (French bread). I think the name of this bread is very funny because it has nothing to do with France. In other parts of Brazil, this bread can be called by other names.


Every bakery has a section of “salgadinhos”, which are snacks, such as: pão de queijo (cheese bread) coxinha (chicken croquette), risoles (a kind of croquette), salsicha empanada (breaded hot dog), among many others.


One of the most important things about bakeries in Brazil is the CHAPA (flat top grill). They prepare a lot of delicious things on the flat grill, such as PÃO NA CHAPA (grilled bread) and CASQUINHA (grilled bread with crunchy cream cheese) and many other things.


In bakeries, you’ll also find many types of BOLOS (cakes). The most traditional cake in Brazilian bakeries is a dry cake, similar to the coffee cake in the United States.


In Brazilian bakeries, you’ll also find the famous BRIGADEIRO, which is a kind of chocolate truffle made with condensed milk and chocolate. Simply delicious!

That’s it, everyone! I hope you enjoyed learning a little about Brazilian padarias.

I’d like to know what you liked best and what you would like to try in a bakery?

Leave a comment below with your answer.

Até a próxima!

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