Portuguese Test: Feminine or Masculine?

by | Apr 25, 2023 | Test your Portuguese

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Today we’re going to take a test to see if you can identify the gender of a few words in Portuguese.

We recommend that you watch the video and take the test before reading this blog post. If you want to prepare for the test, study this lesson. this lesson.


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: feminine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -AGEM are usually feminine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

– Aquela paisagem é muito bonita. (That landscape is very beautiful.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: feminine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -ADE are usually feminine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

Eu moro em uma cidade no norte do estado. (I live in a city in the northern part of the state.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: it depends!

Words ending in -ANTE can be feminine or masculine. You can identify the gender of the word by the context.

For example:

– O estudante está atrasado. (The student is late. – masc.)

– A estudante está atrasada. (The student is late. – fem.)

The masculine article “o” indicates that the word “estudante” is masculine, and the feminine article “a” indicates that the word “estudante” is feminine.


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: masculine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -GRAMA are usually masculine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

Este é o programa oficial do evento. (This is the official program of the event.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: feminine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -ÇÃO are usually feminine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

– Ela tem boas intenções. (She has good intentions.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: masculine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -EMA are usually masculine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

– Ele está com problemas financeiros. (He has financial problems.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: masculine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -OR are usually masculine and words ending in -ORA are feminine.

For example:

– Eu gosto dos livros deste escritor. (I like books by that writer. – masc.)

– Eu gosto dos livros desta escritora. (I like books by that writer. – fem.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: masculine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -Á (with an acute accent) are usually masculine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

– O gato está no sofá. (The cat is on the couch.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: masculine.

In Portuguese, words ending in -OMA are usually masculine.

Here’s an example in a sentence:

Eu adoro aprender novos idiomas. (I love learning new languages.)


Is this word feminine or masculine?

Answer: it depends!

In Portuguese, words ending in -ISTA, just like those ending in -ANTE and -ENTE can be feminine or masculine. You can identify the gender of the word by the context.

For example:

– O dentista está atrasado. (The dentist is late. – masc.)

– A dentista está atrasada. (The dentist is late. – fem.)

The masculine article “o” indicates that the word “dentista” is masculine, and the feminine article “a” indicates that the word “dentista” is feminine.

That’s it, everybody! I hope you enjoyed this lesson! You’ll find more Portuguese lessons at the bottom of this page.

Até a próxima!

Speaking Brazilian School Team

Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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