17 most ROMANTIC and SENSUAL words in Brazilian Portuguese

by | Feb 13, 2025 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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    17 Most Romantic and Sensual Words in Brazilian Portuguese 

    Olá, queridos alunos! (Hello, dear students!) 

    In honor of Valentine’s Day, in today’s lesson, you’re going to learn how to use 17 romantic and sensual words in Brazilian Portuguese. 

    1. Amor 

    A deep feeling of care and affection for someone. 

    For example: 

    Vera sente muito amor pelo seu namorado. (Vera feels a lot of love for her boyfriend.) 

    O amor é lindo! (Love is beautiful!) 

    2. Romance 

    A romantic relationship. 

    For example: 

    O romance de Vera e Daniel começou na faculdade. (Vera and Daniel’s romance started in college.) 

    Ela adora ler livros de romance. (She loves reading romance books.) 

    3. Paixão 

    An intense feeling of attraction and excitement for someone. 

    For example: 

    Vera sente uma grande paixão por Daniel. (Vera feels a great passion for Daniel.) 

    Não devemos nos deixar levar pela paixão. (We shouldn’t let ourselves be carried away by passion.) 

    4. Cumplicidade 

    A relationship of trust and mutual understanding between two people. 

    For example: 

    Vera gosta da cumplicidade que tem com Daniel. (Vera likes the bond of trust she has with Daniel.) 

    É importante ter cumplicidade em um relacionamento. (It’s important to have a strong connection in a relationship.) 

    5. Sedução 

    The act of attracting and enchanting someone with charm and sensuality. 

    For example: 

    Vera não resistiu à sedução do namorado. (Vera couldn’t resist her boyfriend’s seduction.) 

    A voz dela tinha um tom de sedução. (Her voice had a seductive tone.) 

    6. Desejo 

    An intense longing to be with someone or for something to happen. 

    For example: 

    O desejo entre Vera e Daniel era forte. (The desire between Vera and Daniel was strong.) 

    O desejo cresce com a distância. (Desire grows with distance.) 

    7. Beijo 

    The touch of lips as a sign of affection or desire. 

    For example: 

    Vera sempre se despede de seu namorado com um beijo. (Vera always says goodbye to her boyfriend with a kiss.) 

    Eu sempre dou um beijo de boa noite no meu marido. (I always give my husband a goodnight kiss.) 

    8. Sussurro 

    Speaking in a soft and intimate tone, usually close to someone’s ear. 

    For example: 

    O sussurro de Daniel fez Vera sorrir. (Daniel’s whisper made Vera smile.) 

    O silêncio foi quebrado por um sussurro. (The silence was broken by a whisper.) 

    9. Toque 

    Physical contact. 

    For example: 

    O toque dos pés debaixo da mesa fez seu coração disparar. (The touch of their feet under the table made her heart race.) 

    Vera gosta de um toque suave em seu cabelo. (Vera likes a gentle touch on her hair.) 

    10. Carícia 

    A light and affectionate touch. 

    For example: 

    Ele fez uma carícia no rosto dela. (He gently caressed her face.) 

    Ela sentiu a carícia do vento no seu rosto. (She felt the gentle touch of the wind on her face.) 

    11. Atração 

    A feeling of physical or emotional interest in someone. 

    For example: 

    A atração entre Vera e Daniel foi imediata. (The attraction between Vera and Daniel was immediate.) 

    Nem sempre a atração pode ser explicada. (Attraction can’t always be explained.) 

    12. Saudade 

    A deep feeling of longing and nostalgia for someone or something. 

    For example: 

    Vera sente saudade quando o namorado viaja. (Vera misses her boyfriend when he travels.) 

    Eu sinto saudade do Brasil. (I miss Brazil.) 

    13. Carinho 

    A feeling of affection, which can be light or deep. 

    For example: 

    Vera gosta de carinho no cabelo. (Vera likes having her hair stroked gently.) 

    Eu sinto carinho pelos meus amigos. (I have a lot of affection for my friends.) 

    14. Xodó 

    A person or thing for which you feel great affection. 

    For example: 

    Daniel é o xodó da Vera. (Daniel is Vera’s sweetheart.) 

    Meu marido é o meu xodó! (My husband is my darling!) 

    15. Chamego 

    A feeling of affection or an exchange of tenderness between two people. 

    For example: 

    Ela adora um chamego antes de dormir. (She loves cuddling before bed.) 

    Eles passaram a tarde no sofá, cheios de chamego. (They spent the afternoon on the couch, all snuggled up.) 

    16. Cafuné 

    The act of stroking someone’s hair, gently running your fingers through the strands, usually as a gesture of affection and comfort. 

    For example: 

    Vera gosta de cafuné antes de dormir. (Vera likes having her hair stroked before bed.) 

    Ela deitou no colo dele e pediu um cafuné. (She lay on his lap and asked him to run his fingers through her hair.) 

    17. Dengo 

    A way of showing affection and tenderness in a playful and affectionate manner. 

    For example: 

    Vera gosta de receber um dengo quando está cansada. (Vera likes to get some affection when she’s tired.) 

    Ele fez dengo até ganhar um abraço. (He acted all sweet until he got a hug.) 

    Free PDF! 

    This lesson includes a free PDF with exercises. Fill out the form below to download your worksheet. 

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      If you enjoyed this lesson, you’ll love our courses! At Speaking Brazilian School, we offer digital courses, small group classes, and private lessons. Click here to learn more about our Brazilian Portuguese online classes. 

      Até a próxima! 

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      Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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