Stop saying “MUITO”! – Improve your Portuguese vocabulary

by | May 9, 2023 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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Today you’re going to learn to speak in Portuguese without using the word “MUITO (VERY).”

There’s nothing wrong with using the word “muito” (very). However, when we repeat this term frequently, our language can sound a little repetitive and simple. There are many ways to express intensity without using the word “very.”

I prepared a PDF with a list of the vocabulary that I will teach you in this lesson. Type your email below to receive it for free!

So now, let’s get started!

1- How would you say “muito bom” (very good) or “muito boa (very good) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Esta comida está maravilhosa! (This food is marvelous!)
  • Esse filme é excelente! (This film is excellent!)
  • A palestra foi excepcional! (The talk was exceptional!)
  • A aula foi ótima! (The class was great!)
  • Aquele professor é incrível! (The class was great!)

Note that we replaced the phrase “very good” with a single adjective that already expresses more intensity.

2- How would you say “muito mal” (very bad) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Esta comida está intragável! (This food is inedible!)
  • Esse filme é horrível! (This movie is horrible!)
  • A palestra foi péssima! (The talk was awful!)
  • A aula foi desagradável! (The class was uncomfortable)!
  • Aquele professor é insuportável! (That teacher is unbearable!)

3- How would you say “muito feliz” (very happy) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Estou animadíssima! (I am so excited!)
  • Ele está radiante! (He is radiant!)
  • Ela está exultante! (She is elated!)
  • Nós estamos entusiasmados! (We are thrilled!)

4- How would you say “muito triste” (very sad) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Estou arrasada. (I am destroyed.)
  • Ele está devastado. (He is devastated.)
  • Eles estão desconsolados.(They are inconsolable.)

5- How would you say “muito grande” (very big) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Esta sala é enorme. (This room is enormous.)
  • Aquele parque é gigante. (That park is gigantic.)
  • Estou lendo um livro imenso. (I’m reading an immense book.)
  • O touro tem uma força descomunal. (The bull has extraordinary strength.)

6- How would you say “muito pequeno” (very small) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Ele mora em um apartamento minúsculo. (He lives in a minuscule apartment.)
  • Eu paguei um valor insignificante por esta bolsa. (I paid an insignificant amount for this bag.)

7- How would you say “muito cansado” (very tired) or “muito cansada” (very tired) without using the word “muito” (very)?

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Estou exausta. (I’m exhausted.)
  • Ele está esgotado. (He is worn out.)
  • Nós estamos acabados. (We are done.)
  • Eles estão exauridos. (They are depleted.)

8- How would you say “very handsome” or “very pretty” without using the word “very?”

Check out some examples of adjectives you could use:

  • Aquela mulher é lindíssima! (That woman is gorgeous!)
  • Esta vista é estonteante! (This view is stunning!)
  • Que lugar deslumbrante! (What a breathtaking place!)
  • Este parque é espetacular! (This park is spectacular!)

Other words:

In addition to adjectives, there are also other words in Portuguese that you can use in place of the word “muito” (very) to express intensity.

For example, let’s see how to say exactly the same sentence using some different terms.

  • Ela é muito bonita. (She is very pretty.)
  • Ela é tão bonita. (She is so pretty.)
  • Ela é bem bonita. (She is really pretty.)
  • Ela é bastante bonita. (She is quite pretty.)
  • Ela é super bonita. (She is super pretty.)
  • Ela é extremamente bonita. (She is extremely pretty.)
  • Ela é bonita demais. (She is too pretty.)

That’s it, everybody! I hope you enjoyed this lesson!

Até a próxima!

Speaking Brazilian School Team

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Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


Do you need help with verb conjugation in Portuguese?

I know that verb conjugation in Portuguese is a big challenge for most students. That’s why I created a course focused on helping you learn verb conjugation.

The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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