Tsc, tsc… What does it mean in Brazil?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Intermediate & Advanced Portuguese, Vocabulary & Expressions

Olá, queridos alunos! Aqui é a Virginia, sua professora brasileira.

In this lesson, you will learn to say “sim” (yes) and “não” (no) in an informal way.

I prepared a PDF with a vocabulary list from this video.

Fill out the form below to download your PDF.

    Watch the video to hear the correct pronunciation of the expressions we’ll cover in this lesson.

    A really interesting way to say “não” (no) in Brazil is simply producing the sound: tsc tsc.

    I think that this is the only click that we use in the Portuguese language.

    Normally, we use the click “tsc tsc” in very informal situations. Let’s look at some examples:

    Note that, in the examples I gave, I used “tsc tsc” to respond to questions that intended to check quick information in a trivial way. Normally, we don’t use “tsc tsc” to respond to an important question or in formal contexts.

    You can also substitute the “não” for “ahn-ahn” or “uhn-uhn”.

    For example:

    But be aware! In other contexts, like for example, if someone offers you something or invites you to do something, it would be rude to respond “tsc tsc” or “ahn ahn.”

    Most of the time, I recommend you use the word “no,” that is more standard. For example:

    Now, let’s talk about how to say “sim” (yes). In Brazil, we use the expressions “aham” and “uhum” in place of “sim” (yes).

    For example:

    Download the PDF with a vocabulary list from this video.

      See you next time! Bye, bye!

      Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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      The Verb Conjugation Crash Course will teach you everything you need to know about verb conjugation in a structured and easy-to-understand way.


      Click here to learn more about the Verb Conjugation Crash Course.

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