by | Jun 29, 2021 | Vocabulary & Expressions

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Do you know how to use the words BEM (well) and BOM (good)? The word BEM is an adverb, that is, it modifies a verb or adjective. In Portuguese, adverbs are invariable, so the word BEM doesn’t vary in gender and number.

The word BEM can be used in many different contexts:

1. BEM means with health or well-being: – Carolina não está se sentindo bem hoje. (Carolina is not feeling well today).

2. BEM means clearly: – Posso ver as montanhas muito bem da minha janela. (I can see the mountains very well from my window).

3. BEM means with high level of quality: – João canta muito bem. (João sings very well).

4. BEM means very: – Cheguei em casa bem tarde ontem. (I got home very late yesterday).

5. BEM means rightly and fairly: – Você agiu muito bem. (You did very well).

6. BEM means exactly: – Ela chegou bem na hora do almoço. (She arrived just in time for lunch).

7. The word BEM can also be a masculine noun. See 3 examples with different meanings: – João não possui nenhum bem valioso (João doesn’t have any valuable assets). – Eu quero o seu bem. (I want his good). – Oi, meu bem! (Hello, my dear!)

The word BOM is an adjective, that is, it modifies a noun. In Portuguese, adjectives are variable, so the word BOM varies in gender and number: BOM, BOA, BONS, BOAS.

The word BOM can be used in many different contexts too:

1. BOM means kind, generous: – João é um homem bom, ele sempre ajuda os outros. (João is a good man, he always helps others).

2. BOM means adequate or satisfactory: – Arroz com feijão é uma boa refeição. (Rice with beans is a good meal).

3. BOM means cured, healed: – Maria ficou boa da gripe. (Maria got better from the flu).

4. BOM means competent in an activity: – Carolina é uma professora muito boa. (Carolina is a very good teacher).

5. BOM means tasty: – Esses chocolates são muito bons. (These chocolates are very good).

6. BOM means favorable conditions, or pleasant: – O tempo está bom hoje. (The weather is good today).

7. The word BOM can also be a masculine noun: – Os bons serão recompensados. (The good ones will be rewarded). – O bom do Brasil é a comida e o clima. (The good thing about Brazil is the food and the climate).

Should we say TUDO BEM (How are you) or TUDO BOM (How are you) ? What is the correct way? Both forms are correct and can be used in the same way:

1. When we say “tudo bem”, it is implied that the word BEM refers to the verb ESTAR: – Está tudo bem (Everything is well).

2. When we say, “tudo bom”, it is implied that the word BOM refers to the word TUDO: – Tudo está bom (Everything is good).

Do we pronounce the letter M in the words BEM and BOM? The letter M in the words BEM and BOM has the function of just nasalizing the sound of the vowels. The letter M is not clearly pronounced as an M.

BEM – the letter E gets nasal, and we have a slight diphthong “BEIN”. There is no M sound at the end. The same goes for the word BOM.

BOM – the letter O gets nasal, and we have a slight diphthong “BOUN”. There is no M sound at the end.

That’s it, guys! Now you know how to use the words BEM and BOM.

Now it’s homework time. Write a comment below using these two words. Write one sentence with the word BEM and another sentence with the word BOM to practice.

Até a próxima!

Verb Conjugation Crash Course!


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